Thursday, April 7, 2011

Treatfeed Turn Your Conversations into Cash

Stacyknows  is so excited to introduce the coolest new website, TreatFeed!! TreatFeed is the first site of its kind, they pay you for your  'word of mouth' by building a 'social tree' with your friends (the more people you tell, the bigger your social tree will become!). It's so  simple I can't believe someone didn't think of it before (duh, groupon!).  You just tell your friends about deals, sales & discounts that you find in your inbox every day and think they'll like, either by email, facebook, twitter, your blog orany other way you pass along cool information and just like that you start earning $$.  Everyone that joins TreatFeed because of you will become part of your social tree FOREVER, everytime they (or anyone they pass it along to) shop you earn $$!  It's about time someone started rewarding you for passing along their message!  Watch this video to learn more!

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