Sunday, February 22, 2009

Get Your ROXoxox On!

ROXoxox (say it: ROX Hugs and Kisses) was born about two years ago. As an off-shoot our recent summer days at the beach, we couldn't get rid of the notions of fine sand, crashing waves, tousled hair, lovely pitchers of sangria, and more. We loved the subtle (overtly?) casual sexy-ness of our days...Our luxe designs evolved. Very organic, very interesting, very stunning, and very sexy. We made pieces that we loved to wear. We got stopped on the street - women wanted them off our necks. Once you put a piece on you'll soon find yourself absent-mindedly admiring it; feeling it. We started designing more - we can't stop - we love the stones.

We ALL want our ROXoxox
I went to a house party last year and I just had to have this ring. I wear it all the time. Every time I wear it I get a loads of compliments. I think if I carried them in my handbag I could sell at least 1 everyday.
On Wednesday, February 25th, Lisa who designs and makes the ring along with other great looking jewelry will be at the Saw Mill Club in Mt Kisco NY .
Mention Stacyknows for a 10% discount.

1 comment:

susanvabch said...

Hi Stacy, love the blog! Love the ring, can I get it on line? Thanks for the great info and keep it up! Happy early birthday, Susan