Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge

How many times have I tried to set a goal for myself? Think New Years resolutions, eating healthier,exercising, better grades, being nicer to my husband, father, you get the idea. I came across this 100 day challenge by way of a tweet of @Marelisa.

The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge

by Marelisa on September 14, 2009 · 13 comments

September 23rd marks the 100 day countdown of 2009. This is not meant to send you into a mild panic (”What?! Where did the year go?”; “2009 can’t be coming to an end, I haven’t achieved any of my New Year’s Resolutions yet”); instead, it’s meant to encourage you to make the most of the 100 days that you do have left of the year.

Last year at around this same time I published a blog post titled “30 Things to Do in the 100 Days Left of 2008″ which proved to be quite popular. Readers indicated that they liked the idea of setting end-of-the-year resolutions. This year I have something even better to share with you: The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge. Read on below to discover how you can end 2009 with a bang.

What Is the 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge?

Gary Ryan Blair–known as “The Goals Guy”– has helped firms like IBM, Apple Computer, Disney, Starbucks, American Express,, NASA, and others, intensify their focus, improve performance, and maintain a competitive edge. Gary’s eight best-selling books have sold more than four million copies worldwide and have been translated into seven languages.

In addition, he has developed an entire library of world-class training programs, books, and e-learning resources. His handbooks, training programs, and coaching services are field-tested and used by more than 80,000 organizations and 4,000,000 employees worldwide.

Gary has created a revolutionary program called “The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge” that will help you end the year on a positive note. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What specific results have you achieved so far this year?
  2. What results are you committed to achieve by the end of the year?
  3. How have you grown and what have you learned this year?
  4. Are you actively pursuing what is most important on a daily basis?
  5. What habits do you need to change to ensure better results?

A lot of people start off each year by setting New Year’s resolutions. However, they don’t have a mechanism in place for making sure that they take the necessary steps throughout the year in order to achieve those goals. As a result of this, they often reach the end of the year without having accomplished what they set out to do on the 1st of January.

On the other hand, there are those who are well on their way toward accomplishing their goals for 2009. For those who fall into this group, the 100 day challenge can help you surpass your expectations for this year.

It’s much easier to reach your goals when you know how to create a workable plan and can create accountability, and that’s where Gary excels. He’s put together a comprehensive approach to goal setting and performance enhancement that will allow you to achieve results in the shortest time possible.

The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge is a structured 14-week performance improvement program where challengers compete against themselves to achieve a number of challenging goals and finish the year strong. The program is built around two motivational tenets: a fixed period of time which is deadline driven, and the strong desire to accomplish worthwhile goals within that deadline.

You and other competitors from around the world will be provided with a performance plan, a disciplined implementation process, daily measurement systems, and a very unique accountability tool, along with specific tactics and strategies to attain your goals.

What Do You Get?

When you register for The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge, you’re given all of the following:

  • A Massive Action Plan (MAP) that serves as your blueprint for the next 100 days.
  • 100 Daily Coaching Lessons with built in call to action exercises.
  • 100 Daily mp3 messages to compel you to act with a sense of urgency.
  • Inspiring DAILY videos that will continue to fuel your motivation.
  • Daily coaching insights and practical tips on performance improvement.
  • A suite of goal setting forms to be implemented each day of the challenge.
  • A daily After Action Review (AAR) exercise to help make course corrections.
  • Measurement and accountability tools for staying focused and consistent.
  • An Integrity Pledge to bring honor to your commitments, promises, and goals.
  • Screen saver and desktop reminders.
  • A series of web seminars where Gary will coach you to perform at your personal best.
  • iPhone delivery for those who like their knowledge on the fly.
The Law of Exposure

One of the principles that Gary emphasizes in the “100 Day Finish Strong Challenge” is the Law of Exposure. The Law of Exposure tells us that our minds think about what they’re most exposed to. This performance law is fueled by the following understandings:

  1. Whatever enters your mind repeatedly first occupies your mind and then eventually shapes both your perceptions and reality.
  2. Your mind will absorb and ultimately reflect whatever it gets repeatedly exposed to.
  3. The events you attend, the materials you read, the music you listen to, the images you watch, the conversations you hold, the friends you hang out with, and the daydreams you entertain, all of these are shaping your mind, then your character, and eventually your future.
  4. You expose people to your behavior all day long and as a result you either make deposits or withdrawals into their psychological bank account.

Now think of the following questions as they relate to the Law of Exposure:

  • What am I currently exposing my mind to on a daily basis?
  • What impact is that exposure having on my performance?
  • What should I be exposing my mind to on a daily basis?
  • What am I exposing other people to when they look at my behavior?
  • What indecencies should I no longer be exposing my mind to?
Indecent Exposure

As it relates to your personal and professional performance, indecent exposure consists of anything that pollutes your mind, body, or soul, such as the following:

  • Excuses
  • Procrastination
  • Junk Food
  • Violence
  • Lack of integrity
  • Worry
  • Lying
  • Mediocrity

Far too many people are overly exposed to these indecencies which negatively impacts their results. It’s amazing how many people think that they can avoid the Law of Exposure: they think they can read anything they want–tabloids, gossip magazines, and so on–, they can watch bad images, they can listen to nasty music, and it will not have any impact on them.

What Should You Expose Your Mind To?

You should expose your mind to whatever is beautiful, noble, right, pure, and admirable, and anything that’s excellent or praise-worthy. That is, expose yourself to great writing, great music, great people, and so on. The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge will expose you to the best ideas, the best strategies, and the best personal practices for living a successful life. This program will expose your mind to what it means to be the best.

Six Gary Ryan Blair Quotes
  • “Money is always on its way somewhere. What you do with it while it is in your keeping and the direction you send it in says much about you. Your treatment of and respect for money, how you make it, and how you spend it, reflect your character.”
  • “Self-discipline is an act of cultivation. It requires you to connect today’s actions to tomorrow’s results. There’s a season for sowing and a season for reaping. Self-discipline helps you know which is which.”
  • “Thoughtless risks are destructive, of course, but perhaps even more wasteful is thoughtless caution which prompts inaction and promotes failure to seize opportunities.”
  • “You cannot afford to wait for perfect conditions. Goal setting is often a matter of balancing timing against available resources. Opportunities are easily lost while waiting for perfect conditions.”
  • “Your future takes precedence over your past. Focus on your future, rather than on the past.”
  • “Your success over the next 100 days requires a short “Yes” list, and a long “No” list. The key is an awareness and prioritization of your “Yes” list, and firm boundaries around your “No” list as quickly as possible.”
A Little More Information on Gary’s Philosophy

I wrote five short posts for my posterous on Gary and his goal setting philosophy, which you can read by clicking on the links below:

Astound Yourself With What You Can Achieve in 100 Days

Start strong: achieve a goal, however small, first thing in the morning in order to get that winning feeling and get momentum that will sustain you throughout the day. The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge is one hundred days of growth, discipline, and intense focus.

Any goal is appropriate for the 100 day challenge: it can be a weight loss goal, it can be reducing your debt, it can be sales related, and so on. Start every day fast, finish every day strong.

Gary is offering a special report for free which is titled: “How to Create Your Own Big Bang!” which you can access right away simply by clicking here.

Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online — Creativity + Productivity + Simplicity = Abundance

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