Monday, May 17, 2010

Marriage Blogs Just The Tip of The Iceberg

Saying  I spend a  lot of time on the internet would be an understatement.  I have hardly had time to read a book, or look at a magazine in years.  That being said I am definitely reading more.  Here is a great list of Marriage Blogs that  I have read.  Some of them I found through twitter.  The list was sent to me by my friend Alisa Bowman author of the upcoming book Happily Ever After: Saving Your Marriage When the Fairytale Falters 


  1. The Marry Blogger
  2. Simple Project:
  3. Life Gems
  4. ONE Extraordinary Marriage Blog Note: this blog is running a 7 day sex challenge in June
  5. Project M
  6. The Hubby Diaries
  7. Whispered Between Women
  8. Confessions of a Loving Wife
  9. Engaged Marriage
  10. Your Tango

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