Thursday, September 2, 2010

7 Must Have Foods For Your Fridge

  What exactly are the most healthful foods to have on hand? 

Ground or Milled Flax Seed. “Sprinkle it on top of a salad, oatmeal or dry cereal. You can also mix it in yogurt, pasta, soup or bake it into muffins or bread.” Make sure to use ground or milled flax seed; the whole seeds are indigestible and accordingly, non-nutritious. The benefits:

    • Image• Omega 3 fatty acids to “regulate blood pressure, relieve swelling, keep the lining of the arteries smooth.”
      • “Fiber to help fill you up, regulate your bowel movements and control blood sugars.”
      • Antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer
      • Potassium to regulate blood pressure
  • Berries. “Some berries are higher in certain nutrients, but generally, they’re all very good. Think seasonality, freshness, ripeness.” The benefits:
    • Image• Folate to help reduce the risk of numerous diseases, including anemia, heart disease and stroke
      • Manganese for healthy skin and bones
      • Potassium, Vitamin C, Fiber
  • Non-fat Greek Yogurt. “Women over 50 tend to need a little additional calcium; this is good for that.
    Greek yogurt is ideal because it contains only a small amount of natural sugar. That said, a little bit of sweetener, or another flavorer, is acceptable.” Plus, it has double the protein of normal yogurt
  • Walnuts. “A nice source of phosphorus, niacin, and vitamin E to help promote strong bones and teeth, reduce cholesterol and strengthen your immune system.” More benefits:
    • Image• Omega 3 fatty acids
      • Fiber
      • Lean source of protein
  • Dark leafy greens. “Like berries, they’re all good--spinach, watercress, swiss chard, romaine, kale, mustard greens. Steam them, and preserve the juice that you cook them in to minimize the loss of the nutrients.” More benefits:
    • Image• Vitamins A, B2 and B6, C, E
      • Calcium
      • Folate, Copper, magnesium, potassium, zinc
      • Fiber
  • Salmon. “An excellent source of Omega 3s and lean protein.
    ImageEat wild-raised salmon if you’re concerned with mercury. The current USDA recommendation is that you can have up to twelve ounces of fish a week--even fish with high mercury content--and still be safe. One serving is 3 ounces, or about the size of a deck of cards.”
  • Legumes/beans. “Another excellent source of fiber.
    Try lentils, split peas, chickpeas, kidney beans, blackeyed peas, Great Northern Beans.” More benefits:
    • • Vitamin B, folate, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc

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