Saturday, August 2, 2008

No Time Like The Pressent

I first met Heidi Michaels , Certified Life Coach during a Commit to be Fit program. I asked her why one would need a life coach. Here is the simple answer
If you are frustrated with an aspect of your life, not sure how to stop making the same choices you keep making or just want to have more direction, peace of mind and passion -- life coaching can do that for you. I specialize in inspiring and motivating individuals to get their life moving. I’m passionate about helping my clients understand that the only thing that truly stands in their way is themselves. Through the power of getting clear about who you are, what you want, positive thinking and beliefs my clients achieve the life they are searching for. A big reason to hire a life coach is for the accountability to make the new choices that are required to grow, change and emerge.
Checkout her website


Anonymous said...

long time no comments stace and i specifically wanted to take this post to comment on. first off, unraveling is just a marvelous read; what a genious that lynn b is. i mean, i havent read it yet, but thats almost unimportant. speaking of life coaches, i was wondering if you wanted to become my life coach? i know its an unorthodox question, and may make you feel uncomfortable, but your way with words, your ability to inspire, and your desire to make everyone happy makes you, in my mind, a perfect "life coach" possibility for me. get back to me and keep on keepin' on

your #1 fan

Anonymous said...

Stacy, Get a Life.