Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Cleansing

Well it’s officially Spring. The daffodils have emerged, the trees are starting to bud, the deer are showing their fluffy tails more often than we’d like and spring sports are in full swing.
It’s also time to clean closets, pack away the heavy sweaters and coats and lighten up. Just as important as lightening up our wardrobes we start thinking about lightening up our bodies. For many of us, winter is a natural time to pack on a few pounds. Matzoh-laden foods and chocolate bunnies don’t help the situation. Spring is a natural time to CLEANSE.
One of the most frequent questions people ask me in the Spring, and after holidays in general, is how can I cleanse or detox my body. Good question! Of course the answer is different for everyone as we all have unique tastes, preferences, and lifestyles. Our bodies are also quite different in how they respond to food. This is why some people thrive on meat and others on beans.
Most people are anxious to take on a radical diet regime after they have over-indulged. Detoxification can be beneficial to rid the body of toxins that have built up in our system. The goals of a detox are to improve our immune system, create hormonal balance, to improve the absorption , and many other reasons. However, radical cleansing can feel like deprivation and contribute to the cycle of dieting and binging. Sometimes the quick results people experience from cleansing, namely the loss of the first 5 to 10 pounds, can be short-lived and undone by the cleanse aftermath -- which we all know is the tremendous desire to make up for all the food that we missed.
Instead of promoting a particular cleanse it might be useful to think of cleansing and detoxifying foods that you can easily add in to a balanced diet.
Good Foods To Eat:
1. Berries (any type) - loaded with antioxidants, berries are low on the glycemic index. Berries are great in shakes, salads, and in oatmeal, etc.
2. Fresh veggies - especially dark green vegetables which aid the body by purifying the blood, preventing cancer, strengthening the immune system, promoting healthy intestinal flora (clean the gut), detoxifying the liver, gall bladder and kidneys, clearing congestion, and so on...
3. Whole Grains - such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat and avoid wheat and gluten. Whole grains add fiber, nutrients and even protein to our diet.
4. Beans. There are so many creative dishes you can make with beans. Beans are packed with protein and fiber sans saturated fat.
5. Nuts and Seeds. Nuts are loaded with minerals, good fats and protein. They are great for snacks and sprinkled on salads. Just try not to overdo it. Nuts can be addictive to some - pistachio nuts anyone?
6. Extra-virgin olive oil. This can be used for salads and to saute vegetables.
Drinking water and herbal teas are the beverages of choice. Lemon can be detoxifying to the liver and can be used liberally.
Foods to Avoid:
Avoid dairy products, wheat, sugar (substitute to natural sweeteners), caffeine, alcohol and high fat foods (this is a type of cleanse after all) . The reason to avoid such foods are that they overtax the body by impairing digestion and absorption of nutrients, and can create hormonal imbalances, etc.

Try to follow these guidelines for two to three weeks and observe the changes in your body. You should feel leaner, less bloated and more energetic. After that point, if you still desire to undergo a radical “cleanse” your body will be better prepared for the challenge.

Good luck and enjoy!

Compiled by: Gayle Morris, M.S. (Schoenfeld) - Gayle is a Holistic Health Counselor and Speech Pathologist. To learn more about Gayle's approach to feeling great in and about your body, see her website at

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