The lovely, historic towns in Westchester are no accident. Groups like the Bedford Historical Society exist to ensure places like Bedford remain charming and historic places. By joining the Historical Society for as little as $50, you can support this non-profit group. They preserve 10 historic properties, protect 95 acres and provide educational programs to area students.
The benefits of being a member:
Schedule private tours of the Bedford Museum
Get discounts on merchandise at the Bedford Store and discounted, priority tickets for events
Get early invitations to events like the Antiques Show, Historic House Tour, and Treasure Hunt
Receive monthly e-Newsletters
Join today and you can attend the Historical Society’s Annual Meeting at the Kennedy’s house in Bedford which was rebuilt using the latest in green technology. The Annual Meeting is Wednesday, May 12th and will include a presentation and tour of the Kennedy’s home with Mary Richardson Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. available to answer questions. For more information, contact the Bedford Historical Society at info@bedfordhistoricalsociety. org or visit their website:www.bedfordhistoricalsociety. org
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